Food Bank
Food Bank University provides education and training programs for the Food Bank’s network of nonprofit partners and equips them with the tools and resources they need to better serve the hungry in San Diego County.
Who attends Food Bank University?
Food Bank University courses are open to all nonprofit distribution partners that are members of the Food Bank’s Food To Nonprofits program. (For information on becoming a member click here). Nonprofit member agencies receive and distribute food from the Food Bank. This network of nonprofits includes food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, low-income daycare centers, senior centers, churches, schools, and day centers for the elderly and disabled.

Food Bank University Courses
The Food Bank’s management team designs each training course with the needs of its nonprofit partners in mind. Food Bank University offers a comprehensive range of courses including the fundamentals of food banking; fundraising strategies for nonprofits; nutrition; food safety; nonprofit management and finance; communications; and volunteer management. All courses are taught by professionals with expertise in each core subject area.
Biennial Hunger Conference
Every two years, the San Diego Food Bank hosts a hunger conference bringing together nonprofit professionals and experts with members of our nonprofit network to share new skills, broaden the understanding of existing topics, and share best practices of the food banking industry. Each year’s theme and corresponding workshops are selected according to current trends with an intent to educate and inspire.
Our last conference was held on September 29, 2021. Our team recorded highlights of each session for those who were unable to attend.
- Welcome and Plenary – CLICK HERE
- Trauma-Informed Food Security Panel – CLICK HERE
- Food & Climate Change – CLICK HERE
- Lunch Keynote – CLICK HERE
- Increasing Food Access – CLICK HERE
- Self-Care Habits: Your Path to a Nourished Well-being – CLICK HERE
For more information about Food Bank University contact Alison Erze, Nonprofit Services Manager, at 858-863-5132 or send an email to AErze@SanDiegoFoodBank.org.
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Need Food?
Get food assistance in your local area. The Food Bank works with nonprofits to distribute food in your area. Use our food locator to find a nonprofit in your area that can help. Click on the Find Food button below.