Nutrition Notes: New Year, New You!
January 9, 2014
Happy New Year! The first few weeks of January are always a time where you can never have enough Wite-Out as we train our brains to remember to write 2014 instead of 2013! New Year's resolutions are in full swing and the top five most popular resolutions include: to lose weight, to get organized, to spend less money and save more, to enjoy life to the fullest, and to stay fit and healthy. These resolutions are all great goals although they are very broad. So instead of having similar resolutions year after year, it is time to get specific! Perhaps one of the resolutions listed below will spark a few ideas:- Incorporate at least one fruit and vegetable in each meal- Try one new recipe every other week (you can even try to incorporate a few vegetarian options)- Instead of checking email at lunch or break, bring gym shoes to work and go for a 15 minute walk outside each day at work- Go on a hike or explore a new area of San Diego once a month to stay activeBy creating more concrete resolutions, it makes it easier to reach our broad goals of losing weight or staying fit and healthy year round. So start a checklist and see if you can spice up your resolutions!Here are a few healthy recipes to help you get started! Happy 2014!Apple Turkey GyroQuick Stir-Fry(Note: You can substitute your favorite beans for the ground turkey to make this vegetarian friendly.)Brown Rice and Black Bean Power MealRoasted VegetablesVeggie Tortilla Roll-UpsWhat are your new and improved resolutions? Share them with us on Facebook or Twitter!